In terms of aesthetics, the game has a quirky, albeit derelict, 1960s spy theme. There is also a multiplayer aspect, where another user can take the role of Julianna, an agent tasked to protect the island and kill Colt. Moreover, you can combine stealth, parkour, attack skills, gadgets, and powers like in Dishonored and Prey games. Unlike The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, Deathloop's time loop does not run in real-time, giving players time and freedom to eliminate the targets in one loop. Furthermore, should he die before completing his mission, he will start at the beginning.

However, he must do it before midnight as leaving one alive will cause the time loop to reset and undo his work. To escape, he must take out eight targets across the island. Here, you will play Colt, an assassin trapped on the island of Blackreef. Ceux qui ont aimé les autres titres du studio (Dishonored, Prey.), vous allez adoré aussi Deathloop.Deathloop is a first-person looping murder game. For those who have some framerate problems, you just have to lower 1 or 2 options in the menu, and remove the V-sync (but enable it in the nVidia menu of your PC), and then no freeze, no lag, no latency: I'm at 60fps constant with an RTX3070 The story is gripping from the beginning to the end, and you have to let yourself be guided for the first 2 hours, to then live your adventure as you wish, exactly as with the other games from Arkane Studio (Prey, Dishonored.) After more than 20 hours of play, and I haven't finished yet, I still have the same pleasure to play it, and I think it could be the GOTY of the year! Have fun! - C'est un excellent jeu, avec une D.A et un level design de haute volée ! L'histoire est aussi intéréssante à suivre, du début à la fin. It's a good FPS, with good sensations in hand. The art direction is superb, just like in "Dishonored 1 and 2", the atmosphere is incredible, and they dominate their subject even in the level design. The art direction is superb, just like in Deathloop is a great game !! Arkane is a great Studio, and the studio gives us a complete work. Deathloop is a great game !! Arkane is a great Studio, and the studio gives us a complete work.