There are three kinds of Force powers Kyle may use in the game: light, dark and neutral. Kyle can use blasters and rifles to take care of his enemies, and later in the game he will also be able to fight enemies with a lightsaber. Primarily a first-person 3D shooter, the game also allows the player to switch to third-person perspective. The game is set in the Star Wars universe and its events occur after those depicted in the movie Return of the Jedi (Episode VI).

Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Dark Forces II is a sequel to Dark Forces. Will Kyle be able to stop Jerec and become a true Jedi without falling to the dark side? The evil Sith lord Jerec, who was responsible for the death of Kyle's father, is on a quest of his own, searching a mythical place called Valley of the Jedi, where his dark powers could be unleashed. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II was well-received for its graphics, sound, and gameplay, and is considered a classic of the Star Wars video game franchise.Kyle Katarn, a former mercenary and now an ally of the rebels, discovers that he is in fact a Jedi, and is on a quest to find his lightsaber and learn the techniques of the Force. The game also features lightsaber combat and force powers, allowing players to use the iconic weapon of the Jedi and harness the power of the Force. Players can use a variety of weapons and gadgets, such as blasters and thermal detonators, to fight against Imperial soldiers and other enemies. The game is set in the Star Wars universe and follows the story of Kyle Katarn, a former Imperial agent turned mercenary, as he trains to become a Jedi Knight and battles against the evil Empire.

It was released in 1997 and is the second game in the “Dark Forces” series. Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II is a first-person shooter video game developed and published by LucasArts. The new remake comes with stunning new visuals and much more. A must have for every Star Wars fan out there, the remake features two official levels from the original game and 4 Survival levels. Indie game developer Ruppertle released the first version of a remake of Star Wars Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II in Unreal Engine.